Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Contests previously entered: ParsenArt 2013

https://parsenart.com/users/356 (will not be currently visible, due to closing for judging). 


Parsenart. What is Art? What is its value? How to justly re attribute an artist? Those are the questions which have nourished our reflection toward this project. We do not pretend to have the ultimate answer to those questions. We do only have our own vision on how to respond them.
However, we have tried to be as relevant as we can in trying to join those two paradoxes which are Art on the one hand, and the market on the other hand, which is the product of the encounter between the one who is creating, and he who desires to acquire a piece of Art.
Who decides if a piece of Art has any value? We think that it is anyone and everyone at the same time. If an artist is not producing for the aim of selling, he has to be encouraged in order to create, and he who understands and value his works should be able to contribute to it.
We think that no one should have the authority to decide on what is or is not Art. Everyone has the right to his own feelings towards Art.
This philosophy is the corner stone of a gallery creation project, entirely dedicated to photography.

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