Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Starting notes/Basic Plot (CM)

Basic Plot

A personified mannequin doll is lost and alone, with nowhere to go and living from the city streets. Looking for some placement in its 'life', the story goes through its daily struggles. 

  • Intro - lost mannequin, establishing shots
  • Complication - the struggles it faces
  • Resolution - it finds a friend/family member
  • Cliffhanger - leaves the toy/doll it finds, then the story circles with the smaller doll looking for a companion


We start off in a pedestrianised underpass at night. The mannequin doll is slumped on the floor, dimly lit by the city lights. Its cold, lonely, lost. There's a sense of sympathy, yet estranged mystery with the character being peculiar, a doll and its surreal personification/animation. 

List of possible complications/Events/Visuals (so far)

  • Over the underpass on the bridge, looking through, over the road with hands on the bars. Long exposure to capture the car lights.
  • Train station/bus station/bus stop, watching them/the people go by with their busy lives. (will need permission to shoot).
  • On a bus/train, sitting on its own, completive.
  • Walking down the street for middle shots. 
  • Looking through windows for food.
  • Some attempts to try and get help/attention, try to tug/reach for a human passing by, but get ignored.
  • After being turned down again (include shots of mannequins' rejection), it returns to its sleeping place (underpass/bins?)
  • Small doll thrown/dropped on the ground, obviously forgotten about, the mannequin will be walking by and look down to notice, think for a moment (shot of face/shoulders) and then pick doll up.
  • Eventually finds the friend/family member (larger mannequin)
  • Leaves the toy/doll it finds, last shot of the circling story emerging.


I'm unsure, as of yet, whether to close the narrative or not. To create a happy ending? Or to leave it on an unresolved note, so the story was simply a window into this surreal fictional characters' life and its daily struggles. 

If I am to resolve the story however, one of these idea's are to come into effect:
  • Finally finds a place to belong
  • Finds their mother/father/friend (another mannequin)
  • Finds their lost body part (head)

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