Tuesday 25 March 2014

Still Life Photography


A subject that is transcendent with the history of photography and history of art. 

Still life = visual composition/work that deals with a very composed scene with inanimate objects. You can argue the use of animate objects, but generally still life is just this. 

Generic use of still life = food, jugs, cloth.

Vast room for interpretation.

Use of controlled environment, composition, colour, space and light. A use of study for these reasons. 

Basket of Fruit, 1599

Use of negative space
use of muted colour tones
subtle use of shadow
photo-realistic, realism 

William Notman [Still life with Books] 1870's
Swirling focus, still life aesthetic.
Open papers, gives balance to composition

Edward Weston
Organic shapes - pepper
Forms in nature
Nudes, with pepper, direct correlation
Largely bw. 
Natural occcurance
line, shape, light, shadow, natural forms

Andre Kertesz
Mirror nudes
Distortion of an image, shape, tone, shadow

Tom Barelle
Recent images. Missing the grit, but relate back to the early 17th century paintings.

Joel-Peter Witkin
Disturbing anti-aesthetic. Combination of this and still-life. 

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