Friday 28 February 2014

Jan Groover

Jan Groover

Groover was noted for her use of emerging colour technologies and her formalist still life photographs of household objects. Although originally a painter, she moved onto photography, stating that "With photography, I didn't have to make things up, everything was already there."

It was in 1978 she turned to her kitchen for new ideas. She used subjects and objects familiar to her, everyday objects she could arrange any way she wanted - experimenting with various combinations until a relationship of shapes, colours and spaces pleased her. These were taken with a 4x5 view camera, enlarged as 16x20" prints. 

It is written that the pictures resonate as subtle documents of feminism, but it is the unusual beauty the pictures hold I wish to take from these photographs. The cascading shadows and soft tones in many of the images definitely add to the aesthetic beauty, but (personally) there is a mystery to the images that add depth to the beauty.

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